Projects ongoing


Decision-Making Youth for CB COOPeration


INTERREG V A Italy-Croatia CBC Programme, Call for Proposals (IT-HR) Small project, Application ID: ITHR0400374


Decision-Making Youth for CB COOPeration (DEMY-Coop) is a cooperation project that supports a better cross-border cooperation aimed at improving youth engagement in strategic decision-making. The project is co-financed by the Italy-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2021-2027 under the 1st Call for Proposals for Small Scale Projects, and contributes to Programme’s priority 5 “Integrated governance for stronger cooperation”, specific objective 5.1 “Other actions to support better cooperation governance”.

DEMY-Coop tackles the issue of low participation/engagement of youth in cross-border cooperation, in particular by creating a mechanism for their actual involvement in strategic decision-making processes. The project takes steps from the results of the AI-NURECC PLUS project, a joint initiative of the key local and regional stakeholders, aimed, among other things, at supporting a greater youth engagement in the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). DEMY-Coop capitalises the AI-NURECC PLUS results with a focus on the Programme area by stimulating Italian and Croatian local and regional governing bodies in identifying youth as possible stakeholders and in activating the respective legal and administrative processes to involve them more meaningfully and effectively in macroregional policy-making. As a first step the project will raise awareness about the benefit of youth engagement, also by identifying good practices and opportunities as well as legal, administrative and cultural barriers to it. Secondly, a new cross-border participatory model for youth engagement in strategic decision-making will be created, which will increase local and regional public bodies’ capacities to collaborate with youth and co-design strategic cross-border cooperation policies.


Project Acronym: DEMY-Coop

Project title: Decision-Making Youth for CB COOPeration

Financing Programme: Interreg Italy-Croatia 2021-2027

Project Duration: 1 August 2023 – 31 December 2024

Budget: 234.575 €



Eurelations Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico – Eurelations GEIE (IT) (PP1 – Coordinator)

Fondazione Europelago (IT) (PP2)

Udruga Emedea (HR) (PP3)



Social media:

Project Slogan: Supporting better cooperation for improving youth engagement in strategic decision-making